
Social Media For President…

11 August 2010
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Can social media actually tip the vote count to help win the presidency of the United States of America? Well, take a look at the following chart based on research following up to the election, see anything significant? I do. You could say that the Obama camp successfully implemented the very first successful social media marketing campaign.

With that much involvement in the tools of social media, no doubt this helped win the votes of a not only baby boomers, but at the time these tools were reaching thousands of young voters.

Do you think social media helped Barack Obama win the White House?

How about Google? Well, obviously with so much chatter on social media properties, it no doubt raised the awareness of Barack Obama in Google searches…take a look back then.

And for what it’s worth, here is today’s chatter on Google for both.


About Ty Downing

Ty Downing is a social & digital media strategist, speaker, trainer, CEO of SISDigital. Please connect with Ty on... Ty Downing….and Google+.

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