
Pinterest for YOU!

24 January 2012
1 Comment
English: Red Pinterest logo

Image via Wikipedia

Since Pinterest was launched in March 2010, it has recently boomed in the social space. Mashable stated that Pinterest would be in the 10 of social networks for 2012. Besides the new factor of being in the top 10, why SHOULD YOU CARE?!


Let me guess… you are most likely fit into the role of someone who is managing several accounts for your company, and you are solely responsible for the upkeep and functionality of your “Social Media Presence” (the most overstated phase of 2012). And right now you are thinking, “Yes this is cool, but Josh (that’s me) I do. Not. Have. Time.” And believe me. I understand that is why I am writing this post, to educate about the what, why, and how (FYI, don’t forget the tips at the bottom of the post!!).


What ….is it?! Simply put, Pinterest is a platform where people post cool pictures. These “cool pictures” could be a really neat craft idea, gift, meal, outfit, etc. It is like the best magazines combined. If you are a craft person it is, Better Homes and Gardens meets Craft and Things meets Homemade and so on… Everything is sectioned into different Catagories (i.e. Architecture, Art, Design, DIY & Crafts, etc) so it makes it easier for the scanners (as I am going to lovingly call the people that browse for hours. Believe me it’s easy to do) to see all of the latest “cool” stuff. Another way that I have heard it described is a place where you can show off the neat items/pictures that you have found on the internet.


Why…. should we think business? Pinterest is a perfect place to connect on another level with your audience. If I post a picture of a nice sunset over a beach, people begin to assume that I am romantic, nice, calm, sensitive, and the list goes on. Hopefully if you new me, you would know that I am many more things as well (haha). The same goes for your business. Taking a personal touch and incorporating your business’ services with your personal interests can help add authenticity. DO NOT SPAM!!!! In case you misunderstood what I just wrote…. DO NOT SPAM!! Tapping into your business does not mean that is all you post about, or what you post about the most. To gain some traffic and let people understand what I am about I created several different boards (that is what they are called) that are specific to my company, that way my fellow scanners will know that I am not going to be spamming them within each of my boards. Ironically enough I have more subscribers to the Business boards than I do my overall account. Why? Because people are interested in the way that I have genuinely presented SayItSocial.

How… do we start? This is the Gold Nugget section of this post. Here are some quick tips that I think will really help you succeed with your pinning and will keep people “Pinterested” at all times (did you see what I did there?):

  • Fill out your profile completely! There are many times that people leave the “About” section blank. This is where scanners see who you are!
  • Get a username that is easy to find! Mine is “joshharcus” because I want my link to be pinterest.com/joshharcus
  • Follow everyone you know! This makes your friends feel special. Also it can help you quickly boost your own personal following very quickly.
  • Make clear Call-to-Actions for scanners! This is most important. In your “about” or in a Board description remind people to follow you or that individual board
  • Experiment! Try new things… here is a board where I am having a conversation through pictures, “What is your path…?”
  • Use the “Popular” category for inspiration and to find the best pins
  • Add the “Pin It” button to your Bookmarks bar and add your own pins. From your company’s website maybe…. Hint hint…
  • If you add a dollar amount in a pin’s description (i.e. $5.00) Pinterest will automatically put a Price banner across the top left corner of that picture
  • Follow Josh Harcus and the SayItSocial boards on Pinterest 😉

Biggest tip of all…. Have fun! What are your favorite things to pin about?


(Guest Post by Josh Harcus)
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About Ty Downing

Ty Downing is a social & digital media strategist, speaker, trainer, CEO of SISDigital. Please connect with Ty on... Ty Downing….and Google+.

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