
Brands- Adopt “Micro-Moments” Mindset or Die.

7 August 2015
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Earlier this year, Google introduced a new way of thinking for marketers with its “Micro-Moments”  model of consumer behavior. Internet & Smartphone technology now allow for almost instantaneous access to information. Such easy access to information means that brands now need to put themselves in front of their target consumers the moment they decide to take action to fulfill a need or meet a goal:

“Want-to-know moments. Want-to-go moments. Want-to-do moments. Want-to-buy moments. They’re all micro-moments, and they’re the new battleground for brands.” -Google

What digital actions will your customers take when they develop a need for a product/service that your brand provides?

In this blog post, I would like to explore some compelling statistics that support why marketers should consider utilizing the Micro-Moments model of thinking to formulate & prioritize their brand marketing strategies. Afterwards, I would like to elaborate on some actions that marketers can take to create brand experiences that deliver value to consumers at “every touchpoint in this new path to purchase.”

Micro-Moment Statistics

Forrester’s Market Research Report reveals data that indicates the need to formulate marketing strategies and online experiences around moments. The same report also reveals that businesses taking proactive action to market and measure around micro-moments reported higher profitability and ROI. Check out some key stats below:

  • 82% of smartphone users turn to their phone to influence a purchase decision while in a store
  • 62% of smartphone users are more likely to take action right away toward solving an unexpected problem or new task because they have a smartphone.
  • 90% of smartphone users have used their phone to make progress toward a long term goal or multi-step process while “out and about”.
  • Although most organizations understand mobile’s impact on customer expectations and the need to respond, only 2% of marketers report actually having the capabilities necessary to identify, deliver on, and measure moments of intent. (An opportunity to edge out competition!)
  • [Companies] that identify moments with ethnographic studies and journey mapping are 65% more likely to report very profitable mobile ROI.
  • Companies leveraging mobile analytics to measure all moments are 43% more likely to report very profitable mobile ROI

Take Action Around Moments

Here are Google’s recommendations to marketers who want to ensure their brands are visible to their target consumers in key moments of need/intent:

Make A Moments Map: Describe all possible consumer journeys in detail to identify moments when people are most likely to take action with your brand. Consider how demand for your product/service originates within your consumer, and “map out” possible courses of action from that origin.

Understand Customer Needs in the Moment: Put yourself in the customers’ shoes to identify what aspects of an online experience would be most helpful and most conducive to driving them down the path to purchase.

Use Context to Deliver the Right Experience: Google recommends that marketers leverage contextual signals such as location, time of day, weather, etc. to deliver personalized experiences and messages that seem (and, in essence, are) tailor made for a specific moment. Identifying context of micro moments will also help determine which keywords to focus on for AdWords and SEO initiatives.

Optimize Across the Journey: Ensure that your brand’s online experience is seamless, intuitive, integrated, and allows for customer retention.

Measure Every Moment That Matters: While not all moments are measurable, marketers should strive to leverage all analytics tools to gain further insight into their target market’s behaviors and to identify areas of their brands’ online experience that need improvement.

In this day an age, marketers cannot ignore the micro-moments that inspire consumers to take action via their smartphones and ultimately lead to purchases. Thinking in terms of micro-moments will help you develop a customer-centric online experience that makes doing business with your brand the easy and sensible.





About Ian Western

Ian joins SayItSocial with an arsenal of brand, sports, and digital marketing experience. He feverishly devours all kinds of media - digital or otherwise - which adds to his unique perspective on millenial marketing. When unplugging, Ian can be found blasting house music while riding atop some type of bike, board, or boat. LinkedIn

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