
DIY SEO Checklist

17 June 2016
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SEO can seem like an exclusive world to which only techies and professionals are allowed entry. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Armed with a few simple skills and free online tools you can crushing our own SEO in no time. Here a are few key tips for getting started:



Research! Learn what keywords your customers use to describe your business

  • Either through polls on site, face-to-face interactions, or competitor research, make an effort to learn how your customers are describing your product. Then turn around and use that same language on your site. Google has  some great toolstools you can use like keyword planner if you have an Adwords account.
    • Target key words that are high traffic, but not ultra competitive! You don’t want to be fighting for the same keywords as huge companies, this will often find you relegated to the graveyards of the third and fourth pages of results. Instead wedge yourself in with slightly less competitive terms and you’ll see a huge increase in your traffic. You can do this by augmenting your keyword list with tools like SEMrush.com. After you’ve expanded your base list of keywords, select those with relatively high traffic and low competition. SEMrush has a great tutorial on how to use their service.


Dont’t neglect longtail keywords

Long tail keywords make up the majority of web traffic and are largely ignored. These are going to be three to four word sentences that are very specific to the products or services you provide. Good use of longtail keywords can provide a huge boost to traffic. If you sell orange shock-proof iphone cases, instead of targeting “iphone cases” target “orange shock-proof iphone cases.”


Continue to add fresh content

  • Regularly update your blog with keyword rich, linked out content. Free WordPress add-ons like Yoast can help you optimize your blogs SEO potential at no extra cost with little to no technical experience required. Make sure you’re interacting with people in the comments, good conversations are a great boost to SEO.

Get familiar


Use keywords in link anchors

  • Instead of linking out with “click here” use the actual keyword. If you hyperlink an article, post, or page to something on your site, link out with the text that contains the keyword leading them there. 

Utilize site maps

  • Create HTML and XML sitemaps connected to your site. Not only does this help people navigate your site, and help spiders crawl you content, respectively, but it helps you monitor and organize your site hierarchically. This is a step above some of the other easier steps, but it’s nothing you can’t do inside of a day or two of training. Here’s an easy tutorial for you to follow.

Remove duplicate content

  •  If you post duplicate content your results will be crowded out by the original source. If you want to share something from another site, don’t copy text, link out to it.
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