
What’s The Plus For Google+? Or Is It All Just A Bunch Of Junk?

20 July 2011
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Which is better???

Since Google+ has come out people have been ranting and raving about what is better. Classic battle of the brands (Coke vs. Pepsi, Ford vs. GMC, Apple vs. Microsoft, etc.) that has consisted for years continues with Google+ vs. seemingly every other Social network.


G+ has live stream fast as Twitter
G+ comment on posts, tag, photos, videos, chat like Facebook
G+ has video chat as Skype (…now with Facebook)
G+ group chat via mobile (for those who finally have the app) as does… Groupme?
G+ has group video (little glitchy, but still good) as does…?

So why are they such big players? Besides being the largest search engine, they have had a lot of models to structure their platform on. Facebook of course being the primary model, all the others still played a role in creating what G+ is today.

Google has had their failed attempts at Social Media. Google Buzz never really got of the ground, Google Wave was a failure, and Orkut what? But seemly Google+ has taken off! Mashable just released that Google+ has grown to 18,000,000 users. This took Facebook over 2 years to each that many.

Do you think G+ will out last Facebook?

About Lauren Formalarie

Lauren Formalarie is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives.

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