
ROI Case Study: SUBWAY’S Slim Down Challenge

3 September 2010
1 Comment

Slim Down ChallengeThere is a lot of talk today about ROI in social media right? Recently we did a 2 week campaign for a SUBWAY sponsored event called “Slim Down Challenge” and in this social media campaign we clearly saw the ROI in social media based on a comparison with traditional marketing.
The slides below tell the story, and how we implemented our strategy, but I will give you a few points on our process to fill in the blanks.

First we had to determine the Objective of the client, what did they want to achieve from this campaign? Easy, to sell tickets to the challenge, and build awareness to eating healthy.

Next we crafted a strategy around these objectives. In such a short time, we had to build advocates, and build them quickly, so we decided to use “The power of the network” from the speakers coming to the event. Slide #7 shows a total of 21,000 friends these speakers could tap into, and alert them of this event…”Advocacy”…let your advocates do your selling!

Next we gave the speakers, and other willing “local” advocates direction on how to go about using their digital assets properly without spamming them, and not offending their friends.
Remember, it takes time to build your own army, and if you ask them to spam others about your campaign, they’ll leave you, thus why you have to just take it easy, not be so pushy. In fact, a simple update to fans without pressuring them to do anything is usually best.

We then launched a contest with a custom Facebook page, and contest software (Have you tried ours by the way?)

We then used several other viral tools such as BlogTalkRadio show for them. This was highly successful, many of the speakers came on the show in advance and talked about the event.

Results? Ok, here is the ROI part. Out of all the properties (in addition to social media) The Slim Down Challenge advertised in, 71% of people that went to the “Registration” page to buy a ticket came from Facebook alone (as seen is slide #15) Facebook beat out Newspaper ads, flyers, bag stuffers, even TV ads on the networks websites.

Conclusion? This social media marketing campaign definately had positive ROI, and to sum up, here are the key points as to why this campaign, and others can be successful:

  1. Research your target audience
  2. Search for buzz campaign advocates
  3. Create a reward system for advocates
  4. Create a sense of urgency, contest etc…
  5. Measure, measure, measure…

If you would like more details in this campaign, or would like to leave a comment about it, please do so below. And by all means, take a look at our slides!

About Ty Downing

Ty Downing is a social & digital media strategist, speaker, trainer, CEO of SISDigital. Please connect with Ty on... Ty Downing….and Google+.

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