
The 3 Reasons Why Tim Moore Returned To SayItSocial

18 October 2013
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My initial impression of Tim Moore, “The Big Fella”, was of a high-energy, creative and OTT character, who was overflowing with knowledge and ideas of where this digital universe was heading – and more importantly how to take advantage of it. All that is worth saying now is that SayItSocial is thanking its lucky stars to have its co-founder back inaction behind familiar Ikea desk. In this brief interview, I quizzed Tim on his top 3 why he made the switch and what he’s looking forward the most while at a digital industry leader, SayItSocial.

What are you looking forward to the most about working with SayItSocial?

I am so excited to be working with this talented team – working day in and day out with Ty, Leon, Emily and the rest of the team is going to be the perfect mix to channel our creative juices into our work. The office atmosphere is really something special which will only benefit our deliverables.

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Why Now?

The Digital and Mobile industry is HOT. Hotter than it has ever been – a combination of timing and the talent within the team has allowed me to make the very easy decision. SayItSocial is scaling at 400% growth for the second consecutive year – combine that with its new offerings including Digital PR services – it was a no-brainer!

So what Is your role within SayItSocial?

I love coming up with new and innovative ideas – as part of the board of advisors, I will contribute to all of our projects and deliverables – large or small developing client strategies and creative digital marketing solutions. I also bring the majority of the swag to the office; that’s a given.

I am so excited and enthusiastic about coming back to SayItSocial. I will continue to explore more of the digital space through my wearable technology project, Venture Glass, which I am very excited about, but coming back to the company I co-founded with Ty Downing – I immediately feel at home.

Hey CEO, do you approve?

On a company-wide level, we are very excited to welcome back The Big Fella to the team, which has been echoed by CEO, Ty Downing, “We are excited. The energy is flowing. We thrive on creating new and innovative strategies and techniques for our clients and next year will be one of continued growth.” He also added “Oh yes, and we are hiring… check our website for details

About Leon McLean

Leon McLean is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives. Please connect with Leon on... Google +

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