
Why Facebook Will Lose Even More Users in 2014

2 December 2013
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Facebook is losing its members. The mothership of scalable social platforms lost 1.4 million active monthly users last year alone. Simply put, the new cool kids of Gen-Y are migrating across multiple networks to find a home in a place where advertisers have a hard time getting to. Mobli, Whisper and Pheed are just a handful of these networks, which we should definitely keep an eye on, however it’s Instagram which may just have the ultimate deal-closer – as they plan to roll out an integrated private messaging interface within the app before the end of the year.

InstaChat – Will it happen?

Revealing information has been leaked that several users have been given personal ‘instagram.com’ emails – hinting that this is already in beta. Although no official comment has been made by the Facebook-owned app, a multitude of news sources allows us to think of it as more than a certainty.

Realistically, Facebook has an unattractive interface which is only keeping a core audience who have invested a huge amount of time, energy and selfies into the platform. Are we about to see the gradual migration from Papa Bear’s lackluster-looking cave to its Baby Bear’s artsy and youthful studio apartment with up to 20 different fantastic filtered views of the sunset? This may be seen as a reaction in order to make up to its users as sponsored advertising has been rolling out over the past few months. What is interesting, however, is how Facebook plans to leverage this in order not to lose active users fully converting their time just to Instagram and Twitter.

Is this a smart move by Instagram – Or do you think Facebook will feel the negative effect of it?

About Leon McLean

Leon McLean is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives. Please connect with Leon on... Google +

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