
Facebook Lets Businesses Grow Fans via E-mail Marketing

10 December 2010
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For those who are actively engaged in internet marketing, you know that e-mail marketing is an important piece of the online marketing pie. Unfortunately, up until now, Facebook hasn’t really allowed you to leverage your e-mail database in a direct way to build your Facebook Fan (Like) base. Thankfully, Facebook has now remedied that.

How To Leverage Facebook’s New “Tell Your Fans” Email Marketing

First, you can access the “Tell Your Fans” feature by going to “Edit Page” and then clicking on “Marketing”. We’ve circled it in the image above.

The rest is pretty plain and simple – upload the list and send out the emails. Currently, the only restriction is that you can only tell 5,000 friends. So if you have high-activity lists (that have double opt-in or the sort) I’d suggest using this function to tell them first.

What Does This Mean for My Facebook Page?

It means you can now increase the number of Likes your Page has very quickly. This is important because while e-mailing customers is sometimes limited to once a week, you can be interacting/marketing to your customers at least once a day via Facebook.

About Lauren Formalarie

Lauren Formalarie is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives.

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