
How To Like-Gate Your Facebook Page

7 December 2010

With so much evolving in the Facebook Marketing category, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with all the terms and strategies. Recently we’ve gotten a number of people asking us the question “What is Like-Gating” along with “How do I Like-Gate my Facebook Page?” We’ve got the answer to both of those questions!

What Is Like Gating?

Like-Gating is when you force a Facebook user who has not already liked your Page to like your Page before they can see content on a particular custom Facebook tab (or application – they’re the same). Here is more information on our Facebook apps..

What Is The Point of Like-Gating?

The point of a Like-Gate is to increase the number of Facebook users who Like your Facebook Page. A recent article on Mashable in fact shows how Audi has used Like-Gate techniques to increase engagement.

You see this done frequently when a company forces you to like their Page before you can redeem a coupon or enter a contest (similar to how our tool). But some companies don’t use a Like-Gate to give anything away at all – they use it to have more exclusive content, or simply to boost their likes by forcing users to like their Page before using a Poll, etc.

How Do I Like-Gate my Facebook Page?

There are actually two ways you can Like-Gate your Facebook Page. The free, and most complicated way is by using the Static FBML Facebook application. That way is already documented online, although if you’re not familiar with code, you’re probably looking at a few hours of playing around.

The second way is using a Facebook Marketing applications tool like our tool. In You can literally Like-Gate anything you want. You create the content that lives behind the gate, whether it’s a contest, poll, or just a contact form, and then setup your gate. With our tool, you can setup a Like-Gate in about a minute. The 2 screen shots below demonstrate how easy it is (and the results).

Select the image you want to use as the like-gate and upload it.

Once the upload is finished, the editor automatically updates letting you know your Like-Gate is enabled. It’s that easy. You can see the Like-Gate above in action over on our Say It Social Facebook Page.

About Ty Downing

Ty Downing is a social & digital media strategist, speaker, trainer, CEO of SISDigital. Please connect with Ty on... Ty Downing….and Google+.

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