
Top Five Things You Should Know About Facebook Pages

17 April 2011

Ok, we are all grown up with Facebook business pages right? Wrong.  Facebook changes settings and functions about as much as Google adjusts it’s algorithm.  It’s virtually impossible to name all the things you should know about Facebook, but I thought I would give the top 5 things you should know!  (I am sure this post will be updated soon)

Here we go:

1.  Swapping identities – Facebook now allows you to change identifies within the platform, with the option of using Facebook as your personal profile or a business page you administer.  To use as a business page, you can navigate to your page and simply click “Use Facebook as [Page Name]” on the right hand side of the page.  The Account drop down menu also gives you the option to “Use Facebook as Page”, and allows you to switch your identity to any page for which you have admin rights.
Once you have done so, you will see that your friend requests and personal notifications have been replaced by new page likes and notifications of page activity.  If you navigate to the “Home” tab, you will notice the “News Feed” no longer displays posts from individual users, but is populated by posts from other business pages you have ‘liked’.

2. Liking other business pages – While using Facebook as your page, you have the ability to ‘Like’ other business pages as your business.  Previously you had to ‘Like’ a page as yourself and “Add to Page Favorites” (an option that is still available).  Liking other business pages is a great way to recognize partner business, local businesses, non-profits, and more.
You also have control over which businesses you have liked are shown in the “Likes” box on your page.  “Featured Likes”, found in the “Featured” tab in the “Edit Page” view, allows you to choose from all the pages you have liked and rotates the chosen pages on the left of your page.

3. Making posts as your page – Under the old system, you could only post on other business pages as yourself.  You now have the ability to post on other pages’ walls as your business page when using Facebook as your page.  This is similar to tagging a page in a post (by using the @ symbol). Note that you are no longer able to tag fans in posts, and you cannot post on a fan’s wall as your business page.

4. Making posts as yourself on your page – With the ability to swap identities, comes the ability to post on your business page as yourself.  This is a great opportunity for small business owners that are closely identified with their business.  You can do this by navigating to “Your Settings” in the “Edit Page” view, and removing the check in the box next to “Always comment and post on your page as [Business Name]…”

5. Receiving email notifications – Monitor the activity on your page by subscribing to email notifications.  You don’t need HyperAlerts to do this anymore, as Facebook has made this possible through the platform.  In the “Edit Page” view, click on “Your Settings” and make sure the box is checked next to “Email Notifications”.  You will be alerted when users post or comment on your page, and be able to respond in a timely fashion.

How about you? Have any hot tips for Facebook pages?

About Lauren Formalarie

Lauren Formalarie is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives.

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