
Admin Rights and Scheduling…Facebook Admins Win The Custody Battle!

1 June 2012
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Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Have you ever been offended by a post you didn’t write (or approve of) on a Facebook brand page that you manage, in addition to dozens of other employees at your company? Facebook has been hard at work making changes (literally, have you noticed? It keeps freezing, mid-use) that not only allow you to control different levels of admin rights, but also allows Page Managers to schedule posts.

Mashable said: Third-party apps like HootSuite just got a little less relevant with an update from Facebook that lets Page admins schedule posts. A new help center page from Facebook also outlines how brand pages can now dole out specific duties to multiple page admins, each with varying degrees of permissions.

Take a look at the Chart Facebook created to show the different Admin Roles:

New Facebook Admin Roles

Admin roles are now outlined in five different ways, ranging from full control (Manager) of everything to only allowing one to view insights (Insights Analyst). This feature will be incredibly useful for corporate Facebook pages with numerous different admins listed. It will also be interesting to see how much use the scheduling tool gets when the kinks are all worked out. If only they would let you manage your tweets as well, there may be no need for the numerous tools that have been developed for that specific purpose.

ShortStack.com put out some good info on their blog explaining how to schedule a post as well as some other informative tidbits about Facebook’s changes:

Here’s how to schedule a post:

    • Create your post
    • Click the small grey clock icon in the lower-left corner of the sharing tool
    • Select the exact date and time you want your post to appear including: Year, month day, hour and minute
    • Click the blue “Schedule” button

 (Picture from ShortStack.com’s Blog)

Shortstack.com Screenshot for Facebook Post Scheduling

Additional information:

    •  Facebook allows posts to be scheduled no more than 6 months in advance in 15-minute intervals.
    • Scheduled posts cannot be made less than 10 minutes in advance.
    • Be warned: Once you schedule a post, post content cannot be edited– only the time. You can however cancel the scheduled post in the Activity Log (found through the “Manage” button in the Admin Panel) and create a new post with corrections.

Have you started using these new features on Facebook? And if so, what do you think?

Read other related articles about Facebook’s Changes:


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About Lauren Formalarie

Lauren Formalarie is a Project Manager and Trainer at SayItSocial, focusing on digital marketing strategy and project development as well as live, virtual and eLearning training initiatives.

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